Blockchain for Business: The New Industrial Revolution

Free Download Udemy Blockchain for Business: The New Industrial Revolution. With the help of this course you can Blockchain Technology Will Transform How Businesses Operate. Do You Want to Be a Part of the Blockchain Journey?.

This course was created by 365 Careers. It was rated 4.7 out of 5 by approx 1519 ratings. There are approx 57928 users enrolled with this course, so don’t wait to download yours now. This course also includes 5.5 hours on-demand video, Full lifetime access, Access on mobile and TV & Certificate of Completion.

What Will You Learn?

  • Profound understanding of what is blockchain and its potential global impact

  • Learn why blockchain is referred to as the “internet of money”

  • Develop solid fundamental understanding of the inner workings of blockchain with detailed explanations of “mining”, decentralized consensus, cryptography, smart contracts and many other important concepts

  • Business applications of blockchain technology

  • Recognize the opportunities in the blockchain business landscape

  • Gain broader perspective on innovation with the new paradigm and frameworks brought by blockchain including decentralized organizational structures, networks and applications

  • Understand many popular and important blockchain projects and crypto-assets

  • Project the potential impact of blockchain on many sectors like finance, consumer & retail, media, transportation & logistics, technology and the internet of things

  • Learn how many large corporations are already implementing blockchain technology

  • Identify potential new tech leaders and how blockchain can impact the current tech giants like Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook

  • Have a clear and realistic view on the current state of blockchain technology with its issues, limitations and potential solutions that can take it to the next level

  • Keep up-to-date with the latest important projects shaping up the emerging third generation of blockchain technology

You have heard the term ‘blockchain’, haven’t you?

And you want to understand why this is the hottest field in the tech sector and why blockchain has the potential to change the world.

You want to learn the fundamentals of the technology behind cryptocurrencies and how it can be applied in different sectors of the economy.

Well then, you have come to the right place!

This Blockchain for Business course is designed for everyone who is interested in understanding what blockchain is, how it works and what its practical applications are. We believe that blockchain is a highly disruptive technology, which will have an impact on the world comparable to that of the internet. It is actually referred to as the internet of money. Recently, blockchain has grabbed a lot of media attention and mindshare, mostly due to the huge growth in the market value of Bitcoin, Ethereum and other crypto-currencies and crypto-assets.

Many people have jumped into the space and started speculating, but how many actually understand it?

How many people really understand Bitcoin, Ethereum and blockchain technology in general, before they jump into the market?

We think that understanding should come first, before anyone starts making any decisions with real-world implications. That’s why we created this course and tried to design it in the most clear, accessible and fun way. This is by no means a highly technical course and our focus here is not programming. We are not going to show you how to write code. But we are going to explain everything else which is relevant and important to know about blockchain.

Our materials are designed to explain the fundamentals of blockchain technology and its applications in business and everyday life to people without a technical background. 

This course is perfect for:

  • Business professionals working in different industries,

  • entrepreneurs,

  • investors,

  • politicians,

  • regulators,

  • students,

  • and pretty much anyone who has not been following Bitcoin since its early days.

Blockchain technology has the potential to change how companies do business. We also believe this is just the beginning. Blockchain technology can impact pretty much any activity involving transactions, transfer of value, property rights, and information exchanges.And if you want to be prepared and successful, you need to be in the loop as early as possible.

So, if this sounds interesting to you, we are here to provide many more insights based on thousands of hours of in-depth research and real-life practical experience with blockchain technology and markets.

Here’s what we cover in detail, with accessible explanations, and lots of examples and case studies.

We start with a brief history of money and payment systems, presenting the monetary evolution from barter trade to fiat and virtual currencies. This naturally leads us to virtual crypto-currencies on the blockchain. Bitcoin, being the first such decentralized monetary system, is presented in detail, with its historical background, and the fundamental technologies and economic principles that make it work.

Next, we introduce the second generation of blockchain technology with Ethereum. Its creators started from the Bitcoin framework and brought to the world some ground-breaking innovations of their own like smart contracts, decentralized applications, and the Ethereum Virtual Machine. One aspect of the modern economy has already been fundamentally disrupted – the way start-ups fund themselves is shifting increasingly from traditional venture capital to blockchain-based crowdfunding campaigns.Many people know these as Initial Coin Offerings (or ICO). We show many examples of decentralized applications created on top of Ethereum and other blockchains.

Then we move on to blockchain solutions tailored to specific industries and use-cases. These can be open-source public networks or private permissioned networks. We go through several examples of public blockchains with specific functionalities like Steem, designed for the media industry, several Internet of Things and supply chain management blockchains, as well as blockchains with enhanced privacy features like Monero, Zcash and DASH. Right after that, we present in detail the main private blockchain projects designed for corporate use in a permissioned environment: R3 Corda, Hyperledger and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. 

Having discussed all the important evolutionary steps and milestone projects so far, we then move on to present some views on the potential impact of blockchain on several industries. We focus our industry outlook on several sectors, which are expected to be among the first ones to be disrupted – finance, consumer and retail supply chain, and technology. We present specific industry case studies of current ongoing initiatives and pilot projects by established industry leaders like UBS, Allianz, London Stock Exchange, IBM and Kodak, among others.

Finally, we discuss the current challenges ahead of blockchain technology that need to be resolved on its way to mass adoption. Along with the key issues of scalability, interoperability, governance and privacy, we present their potential solutions, which are currently under heavy development. We also cover some new projects that are trying to launch third generation blockchain protocols like Tezos, Polkadot, Cosmos, Cardano, EOS, Aion, ICON, Wanchain, RChain and Zilliqa.

Having presented the course outline in detail here, we believe that we have prepared a complete and holistic educational material for our audience. We have also tried to make it as accessible, engaging and entertaining as possible. 

The materials we have provided should prepare you and give you an edge to make the most of all the amazing new opportunities blockchain technology is opening up. Just imagine you had a roadmap to the Internet in the early 1990s, with all the relevant information you need to know to navigate the new space and make correct fully-informed decisions. This is what our course represents in the current context.

As a bonus, those of you who complete 50% and 100% of the course will receive not only a certificate of completion, but two of our other courses as a gift:

Business Fundamentals: Corporate Strategy provided that you complete 50% of the course

Business Fundamentals: Marketing Strategy provided that you complete 100% of the course

Sounds amazing, right?

Let’s start our exciting journey in this brave new blockchain world today!

You have nothing to lose and everything to win!

Buy Udemy’s Blockchain for Business: The New Industrial Revolution

Note: We have purchased this course/tutorial from Udemy and we’re sharing the download link with you for absolutely FREE. So you can learn & be your own master if you can’t afford to buy this course. But if you have money we strongly suggest you to buy Blockchain for Business: The New Industrial Revolution course/tutorial from Udemy. So, the course’s author 365 Careers can help you if you can’t understand something or if you want to learn something spectacular.

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